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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Earth Day Recycle Space Craft

My daughter was born on Earth Day. This year she was very excited about the Earth Day/ Commander Chris Hadfield in Space contest on TVO kids, requesting kids to send in a photo of a space craft made from recycled materials. All week, they extracted materials from the blue box recycle bin and this is what they came up with! All I did to help was precut lots and lots of tape!

Blast off!

This might have really inspired AJ to consider a future career as an Astronaut. Remember that all along, he was very determined to be a Helicopter Pilot and nothing else. Well this week at school is "Je veux devenir" week with show and tell and career visits from moms and dads. AJ recently decided that he would like to be an Astronaut. Why?  "So I can see aliens and talk to them. I'm going to take a picture of the aliens and send them to you Maggie. And I'm going to come back home to see daddy after"

Quand je serai grand, je veux devenir astronaut!

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