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Friday, June 6, 2014

Yummy Summer Printable Worksheets

My kids LOVE doing homework, though I'm guessing they've become motivated by collecting the a prize from the "tenth math prize" bin for every tenth page of homework. I had to upsize the requirement to a "twenthieth" but that just meant more worksheet or workbooks to purchase. As well, my oldest two just keep making it a competition, go figure. However, this guy in the photo our #3 has given up on homework altogether and prefers to spend the after school hours belting out the Frozen tunes and spinning around the room with a hooded towel acting out storylines from the movie, but I digress..

My friend recommended this free writing printable site, which will get them away from Math for a while, and think more about delicious food while practising their  writing skills!

Looking for a daily worksheet to expand vocabulary while thinking about healthy food? Try this Nourish Interactive website, amazing finds!

And to create your own, try

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